Weeks 3 & 4

What a crazy couple of weeks! Two weeks ago, I was given the opportunity to translate for a team from Manitoba, Canada while they built a feeding kitchen and did VBS lessons in East Tijuana.  Last Wednesday, I arrived at the Roca Blanca Mission Base, where I’ll be teaching English!


Two weeks ago, I went with the team to work with José and Seve, a husband-wife pastoral team.  They are so passionate about their neighborhood and ministry.  They welcomed so many people into their tiny home. 


The team remodeled a part of José and Seve’s home to turn it into a feeding kitchen for the local kids.  Many of the kids in that neighborhood only get one meal a day, if that.  Seve explained to me that she wants to use it as a way to open doors and bring people to Jesus (including some mothers, who learned how to crochet while the kids did VBS).  I also learned that many of the kids are the children of drug dealers, and that students aren’t allowed to go to school past elementary school if they can’t afford uniforms.




Translating was such a new and challenging experience for me.  There aren’t many opportunities to practice Spanish in West Virginia, so I’m still a little rusty.  Being thrown into translating with rusty Spanish skills was such a challenge.  I definitely made mistakes, like saying “fishers” instead of “sinners” (pescadores/pecadores).  I realized that I really enjoy one-on-one translating, when compared to translating for an audience.  I hope I’m given more opportunities like that in the future.

Last week, I arrived in Cacalote, a village in Oaxaca, where I’m teaching English.  It will be a challenging job, but it’ll be worth it.  Prayers are definitely welcomed!


As always, I have a fundraising account set up if you’d life to help financially.


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